Greeeeetings from Doha! This is a picture of the city skyline, taken 5 minutes from our home - lots of desert land left to be built on, if anyone is interested in buying a plot? (Just kidding, none of you guys are Qatari anyways, a prerequisite to owning land in the big Q)
OK, so I guess I can conclude that I am not great at updating this blog, aye? Apologies all around, and to the grandparents in particular who beg for more photos of the offspring. Hairshirt and all that. But before I delve in the details of the Barillot clan, a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my beautiful big little brother Wash for his 21st!!! Party on, Uncle Wash! Here is a pic of the birthday boy with niece Loule and nephew Zozo this summer. Innit precious?
Back to our ducks. Since July, in short and chronologically....
7-week holiday extravaganza
This summer, we had the best holiday, that took us from Ohio to SC to Paris, Provence, the French Jura and Genf. Exhausting, but so therapeutic to see loved ones and green (never thought I would love the O2 this much, have become a perfect tree hugger!).
Louise and I traveled from Qatar to the US, via Paris (thanks again, TdR, you are ze bests) - VERY rough 48 hours for mama, but the Lord saw us through it.

Columbus Zoo with the Ibbies, Dad and Gigi

Hanging out in the pool with Gigi

Hanging out with cousin Joseph, aka Zozo

First spaghetti

Speedwalking with Gigi and los Johnsons from G-Vegas

Family shot in front of Max and Erma's, German Village, Columbus

Ahhhh, trop belle cette rade

Louise and Nick Nick, short but great visit with our Dixies

Our Parisienne at the George V bar, wearing no less than a Bonpoint dress and ChloƩ boots
WE LOVE YOU, friends and fam. Freak, you were a beautiful bride.
Return to the desert - Parents Barillot!
Our return to the desert was marked by a 2-week visit of the Barillot parents! Once past the initial culture and climate shock, they learned to love our strange city. Solange was relieved to find a (very expensive) bio corner at our supermarket...

... Christian worked for his keep, drilling a zillion holes for me (we now have toilet paper holders, a luxury), as well as installing two stair gates.

The Parents B also experienced a cross-Qatar day trip with our wonderful friends, Sandra and Richard (pictured here in the Qatari cave).

A small accident on this day trip brought us to meet Nasser, a lovely local gentleman, who invited us to his tent for refreshments - one UNIQUE experience indeed!
The following day, the Guignards treated Dave and his parents to a day in at the Inland Sea (Louise and I had to stay home with a team of electricians)

Pushing the car is part of the fun, so I am told

Dave and Papa
The local beasts
Other noteworthy events in Doha:
- Louise celebrated her first birthday October 14. All I did was back a batch of brownies (she hated them, spat out the only bite and rubbed it all over her pastel dress...)

Downtown Doha on a clear day (as in no sand fog)

- We attended the opening of the Christie's art show at the Four Seasons, with FRENCH champagne

- We also were given tickets to opening night at the TriBeCa film festival - fun!
- More of an unsettling site: we spotted this cougar being driven around our neighbourhood by its owner (a local), unreal:
Papa and girl at the not-so-scenic fabric souq:

- Early November, we experienced the pediatric ER when Louise pried up a floorboard and ate the industrial glue she found underneath. Horrific for the parents (heightened by the fact that the doctor called me and me only negligent), but as you can see, Louise was quite cool with the IV and hospital surroundings

- We also got to welcome the Ibbies, as they traveled from Canada to Nepal, for a short 36-hour visit!
Other than all the above, Dave is still thriiiiiiiilled with his job at the FS Doha. Louise has started nursery two mornings a week so that mama can job hunt. Hmmm. When not on the hunt, we can be found in stressful situations such as this one:
or hanging out with dudes like him:
... when not overseeing the 156th changing of the water pump, like today.